Tuesday 22 November 2011

(Un)favourable Weather

To be honest, the weather for our trip was not the most favourable. From time to time, this happens on our family vacations. But there is no sense in getting upset about it. Instead, one should embrace the new opportunities that are presented to them as a result of the weather.
Sure, we could no longer sit on the balcony and enjoy a bottle of our favourite wine, or see many of the sites that we had wanted to go on, but we could enjoy each other's company to its fullest extent. Typically, when we are in these circumstances, we will locate the nearest pub that does not have invasive music playing over the sound system and park ourselves there for the day. You may be surprised at how much you can learn about each other over a few pints. I am not talking about one of those instances where you see couples in the coffee shop redefining their relationships, but getting to know your partner for who they truly are.

We had been in the pub for nearly three hours, and were most certainly feeling the effects of the beer. We were not getting messy or anything like that, but I most certainly did have a glow on about that time. 

Regardless, we had been enjoying the conversation so much that we failed to realize that the sun had come out once again. Instead of disrupting the mood, and returning to our Edinburgh city centre hotel to change into proper attire, we decided to stay and order more. We figured that the Strathclyde Hilton was not going anywhere anytime soon, so we best stay and carry on.

What an enjoyable trip we had. I think I learned more about my partner during that weekend then ever before. I guess I am quite thankful for that unfavourable weather from time to time.

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